
SPJ's Core Four

We are fighters for the First Amendment.

We monitor and fight against efforts to violate the First Amendment and suppress free press.

Action speaks louder than words. From providing journalists with legal protections to weighing in on pressing issues both here and around the world, we’re relentlessly focused on protecting journalists and journalism.

We provide the training to help both student and professional journalists understand their rights, and we foster tools that help them safely put that training into practice.

We defend journalists through legal defense funds and activate initiatives to protect the First Amendment through our First Amendment Forever Fund.

Our Legal Defense Fund provides journalists with legal or direct financial assistance. SPJ collects and distributes contributions for aiding journalists in defending the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment.

SPJ’s First Amendment Forever Fund is a sustained war chest to guarantee someone is always fighting for press freedom. If we don’t do it, who will?

We increase public awareness and support of the First Amendment through training and education.

SPJ’s Journalism Advocacy hub includes updates on all our advocacy efforts and a wealth of resources to help you report effectively and safely.

SPJ’s Freedom of Information Committee is the watchdog of press freedoms across the nation. It relies upon a network of volunteers in each state organized under Project Sunshine. These SPJ members are on the front lines for assaults to the First Amendment and when lawmakers attempt to restrict the public's access to documents and the government's business.


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